Taurus Celebrates Duff As The Ladies World Champion!


Defending Champion Holds onto the Title!

Miami, FL – Taurus®, the global leader in revolver manufacturing, is thrilled to announce Taurus Team Captain, Jessie Duff’s first place finish at the 2014 World Action Pistol Championship, in Park City, Kentucky.

Jessie Duff had the honor of representing the United States while on the Ladies USA Open Team at Rock Castle Shooting Center in Kentucky. The representative position is one of many highlights professionals seek to achieve in their shooting career. She is the defending champion of this match, with last year’s event being held in Germany. The NRA World Action Pistol Championship included four events in which the shooters participated: Practical, Barricade, Falling Plates, and the Mover. All stages are shot over a two day period. The match challenges every competitor to concentrate, improve accuracy, and execute muscle memory in every shot.

For the second consecutive year, Duff was crowned the Ladies World Champion. At the end of the match, she finished with an impressive score of 1907. Jessie was able to complete well and add pressure to her competitors with her custom Taurus 1911 in 9mm.

“I was so excited to shoot my new Taurus guns, built specifically for Bianchi and Action Pistol, and they ran flawlessly!” the Lady World Champion, Jessie Duff stated. “I love shooting Action Pistol, because of the challenge. It makes me a better, more accurate shooter, which transfers over to my other disciplines. Action Pistol challenges every aspect of a shooter, from accuracy and patience, to your mental game as well. Action Pistol is by the far the hardest type of shooting I do, but I look forward to the challenge, and try to improve my scores each year.”

About Jessie Duff:
Jessie Duff has taken her shooting career of a beginner, all the way to a top ranked professional, earning multiple World and National Champion shooting titles, in five different shooting disciplines. Among these are the prestigious Bianchi Cup and the World Speed Shooting Championships. Jessie has also ranked in numerous regional and state champion matches as well. Outside of shooting, Jessie is a TV personality on the hit series NRA All Access, on the Outdoor Channel. Reaching this level of shooting performance in her career, defines a well-disciplined competitor and role model for the Taurus Shooting Team.www.jessieduff.netwww.facebook.com/jduffshootwww.twitter.com/jessie_duff

About Taurus®:
Taurus® is the global leader in revolver production. Taurus International Manufacturing, Inc. is proud to be the U.S. importer of all Taurus brand firearms manufactured in Brazil and to be the manufacturer of the model PT-22, PT-25 and PT-738 pistols made here in the U.S. Taurus International services all Taurus brand firearms under the LIFETIME REPAIR POLICY™ as well. For additional information about Taurus, visit www.taurususa.com. High-resolution images are available at www.taurusdownloads.com.

– See more at: http://www.shootingwire.com/story/319677#sthash.EErXI6Gl.dpuf

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